FAQ 852
Community placements for Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Programmes - When will my travel expenses be paid?

For all Nursing, Midwifery, and Allied Health Programmes

For community or health visiting placements, travel expenses from your home to your placement hub are calculated automatically using placement timesheets which have been approved by your practice supervisor/practice educator within the last month from 17th of the previous month to 16th  of the present month. Eligible claims are then processed by the University and paid at the end of each month.

If you have undertaken any additional mileage beyond your home to placement hub, your expenses will be paid once you have submitted a Community Travel Expenses form. If you have submitted you Community Travel Expenses form on or before the 16th month, they will be reviewed for that months payroll. Claims submitted after the 16th of each month will roll over to the following month.

When you submit your community placement travel form, you will receive an acknowledgment and confirmation of your expected payment date.

If you travel by public transport and the cost exceeds any eligible mileage calculated, you will need to complete and submit the Public Transport and Taxi Expenses form which can be found on Blackboard [link to form]. You can claim for the difference in cost between your home to placement journey and your normal home to University journey.