FAQ 803
Placements for Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Programmes – What placement categories will I be allocated to throughout my course?

For students studying Nursing

Throughout your course you will enjoy a number of different placements, grouped into three main categories depending on the location of the care provided.  The categories are:

At Home - This is a practice learning experience where people access help, support, treatment or care delivered at their place of residence.

Near Home - This is a practice learning experience where people access help, support, treatment or care outside of the home but within the community setting.

Away from Home - This is a practice learning experience where people gain access to treatment, care and support in an acute, critical or specialist setting.

These placements may either be within the NHS or the Non-NHS sector. For further information on these, please review your Practice Learning Experience & Placement Guide. 

For students studying Midwifery 

As a Midwifery student you will be allocated three types of placements per year of your course, these are; 

Pre & Postnatal placements

Community midwifery placements 

Labour ward  

All placements for midwifery students are within the NHS.

For students studying Occupational Therapy 

As an Occupational Therapy student, you will experience a range of placements, working with people across the lifespan.

You could be placed with: 

Our partner Health Boards (Aneurin Bevan UHB, Cwm Taff Morgannwg UHB and Cardiff & Vale UHB)  

Local Authorities and Housing Associations,

Private providers of health and social care 

as well as third sector organisations.


For Students studying Operating Department Practice 

As an ODP student you will enjoy a variety of theatre placements throughout your course.  During the;

1st year – you will experience scrub and anaesthetic roles

2nd year – scrub and recovery roles 

3rd year – critical care, Surgical First Assistant and management roles. 

All placements will be undertaken in a variety of surgical specialties.

For students studying Physiotherapy

As a Physiotherapy student, you will experience a wide range of placements to include in-patient and out-patient settings as well as community placements, the majority of which will be within our partner Health Boards; 

Aneurin Bevan UHB

Cwm Taff Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff & Vale UHB and

Powys THB (please note that although we do not currently place students within Powys THB we plan to do so in the near future)

You may also experience placements within the non-NHS sector.