FAQ 393
Can I talk in confidence about disability related issues?

× USW Partner College Students: please contact your college.

Our Disability Advisers give advice and guidance in total confidence. Any information you provide is treated sensitively and confidentially except in the most extreme circumstances when disclosure is required by law. For example: if you are putting yourself at serious risk; your behaviour is adversely affecting the legal rights of others; staff are being placed in a position where their professional integrity is compromised. In such circumstances, staff would discuss the situation with you before breaching confidence.

When you meet with a Disability Adviser for the first time, you will be asked to sign a Data Consent Agreement. By signing the Agreement you are giving consent to the Disability Service to store your information and share appropriate information with specified individuals. NB. If you do not want any information to be shared within the University or wider, the support which can be provided may be restricted.

You will also have the option to give an Enhanced Disclosure, which gives permission for some information about your disability to be made available to your faculty. This is entirely optional and will be discussed in full during your Adviser Appointment.